首届男女业余拳击世界锦标赛将于 11 月 18 日至 22 日与西班牙阿利坎特 WKF 世界锦标赛同时举行。
WKF CHINA主席严迪南大师确认强势国家队将参加西班牙世界杯

Dear sports friends,
On March 1, 2024, a new WKF Division Worldwide began work.
By athletes – for athletes!
The aim is not to compete with existing associations, but rather to complement them with significantly less bureaucracy and fewer annoying, outdated regulations.
In collaboration with all of our 140+ WKF country presidents with the new WKF department “BOXING/BKFC” we are also internationally networked on 6 continents in over 140 countries.
The Hungarian expert Daniel Z. HIRLAU became world president of the new division from March 1st, 2024.

From now on, ALL BOXERS – women and men – can use our free offer and apply for inclusion in the BOXING World rankings via the FIGHTER PROFILE. Free and non-bureaucratic!
The international WKF license applies to all boxers!
For PROFI boxers, a corresponding license and registration in BOXREC is mandatory! We would be happy to help you with this too.
All registrations should be sent directly to the BOXING head office, Mr. Hirlau,
by email: wkf-boxing@gmx.at
Anyone with a WKF license and a valid medical certificate is eligible to participate.
If you have any further questions, I will be happy to help you at any time.
contact mail: Ő beszél magyarul / limba romana / English oder Deutsch
respectfully greetings
Daniel Z. HIRLAU
2024 年 3 月 1 日,新的 WKF 全球部门将开始工作。
通过与我们所有 140 多个 WKF 国家主席以及新的 WKF 部门“BOXING/BKFC”的合作,我们还在 6 大洲 140 多个国家/地区建立了国际网络。
匈牙利专家 Daniel Z. HIRLAU 自 2024 年 3 月 1 日起被确认担任新拳击部门的世界主席。

从现在开始,所有拳击手(女性和男性)都可以使用我们的免费优惠,并通过战斗机资料申请加入拳击世界排名。 自由无官僚!
对于 PROFI Boxer,必须获得相应的许可证并在 BOXREC 中注册! 我们也很乐意为您提供帮助。
所有注册均应直接发送至 BOXING 总部,Hirlau 先生,
任何拥有 WKF 执照和有效医疗证明的人都有资格参加。
联系邮箱: Ő beszél magyarul /limba romana / English oder Deutsch